Apple is reportedly working on a new monitor. The external display, something Apple doesn’t make very often, is also reportedly going to be powered by an A13 chip and a Neural Engine. As per a report by 9to5Mac anonymous sources have said that the new monitor will, however, not be an affordable alternative to the Pro Display XDR.
Apple was rumoured to be working on such a monitor with an integrated GPU back in 2016. The new monitor makes no such mention of an integrated GPU, but it does seem like an ideal plan. A built-in SoC with a NeuralEngine suggests Apple might be looking at making a display that can interact with other devices.
This also aligns with other rumours and recent product launches. Apple also refreshed the design of its signature iMac computers earlier this year for the first time in nearly a decade. There are even rumours of another bigger iMac which is based on the design of the Pro Display XDR.
Why Apple may need a new external display
External displays are ideal choices for people for whom work has moved indoors post-pandemic. It is also one of the few lacking areas in Apple’s range of products. A new display could be a great addition and also give new buyers some choice.
However, for those very reasons it is disappointing to see that the new display will likely not be a budget offering. Being a high-end display that everyone can probably not afford would mean that people looking to buy an affordable Apple display may have to continue their wait.