Whether you’re starting a new business or you want to check if your business name is available, a California business search can be helpful. The website for the California Secretary of State has an online search function that allows users to enter a name or business number and get a list of entities. You can also enter other search criteria to narrow down your results.
You can also use the advanced search function to search for a particular entity type. You can search by entity filing number, by entity type, by name, or by a group of entities. The results will show the business name, the registration number, and the registered agent. You can also export the forms you find on the website to the cloud. You can also rearrange pages or edit forms. You can also share your documents via email.
In addition to providing a search function, the California Secretary of State website also provides free PDF copies of over 17 million imaged business entity documents. This includes domestic nonprofit corporations, qualified foreign corporations, and domestic stock corporations. In addition to these, it also provides information on LLCs and limited partnerships.
To get started, click the Business Entities Search link at the top of the page. You can also search by name, filing number, type of business, and location. You can also browse the list of current and expired businesses. You can also use the Business Entities Order paper form to request information about general partnerships and limited liability partnerships.